Magic Mirror Studio Kaitlin

Doll artist Nanyalin of Magic Mirror Studio has opened a pre-order for Kaitlin. The doll is listed on the artist’s Instagram and a private Facebook page.

From the artist

Here is all the relevant information for those of you interested in Kaitlin!

Preorder will be open from 5th of May 2021 till 25th of May 2021

The price of the basic doll is 480€, plus calculated shipping: 25€ for Spain, 35€ for Europe and 45€ for the rest of the world.

There is only 5 spots of faceup by me this preorder; price is 40€ for a faceup, and they are in a first come first serve basis.

Layaway is available up to 5 payments, one each month.

For this preorder, she’s available with the following colors: Light tan, Quartz, Pink

And with the following options:

-Large bust (as in Keira) or new Medium bust

-Single jointed thighs or double jointed thighs

She is 35cm tall, wears a 5’5/6’0 size wig and 10mm eyes. As Keira, she wears yosd tops and msd bottoms, although her measurements are quite peculiar and you would go safer with personalized clothes for her.

To order Kaitlin, please email to:

an email titled ‘Kaitlin Pre order’, with the following info:

-Color of the doll: Ligh tan, Pink, Quartz

-Bust size: Large or Medium

-Thighs: single or double

-Faceup: yes/no

-Layaway yes/no and how many payments (from 2 to 5)

and your relevant info:

-Full name

-Paypal adress you want to be invoiced to

-Full shipping adress

-Phone number

And that’s it! I’ll contact you shortly after I receive your emails to confirm the order and the total of the purchase (but you can calculate it yourself easily, since all the quotes are noted above). So if you like my girl, send me an email! I’ll also will appreciate all the diffusion you could give to the preorder. Thank you very very much to everyone for your constant support and love for my dolls. It means the world to me : )

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