He Yi & Chilli

He Yi and Chilli are new dolls from LoongSoul. Both may be ordered in imported normal-yellow, light-rose, or white resin.

He Yi comes with a choice of 73cm body Version II, Version 3, or the 80cm body. He can be purchased blank with optional face-up, body blushing, eyes, unstyled wig, outfit, shoes, jointed hands (blank or painted), and an additional hand set (blank or painted). The full-set will include, eyes, wig, outfit, shoes, and the extra hand set. A face-up, body blushing, jointed hands, and painting for the extra hand set may be added. The full-set of He Yi is a limited edition of 80.

Chilli is 42.5cm tall and she comes with a choice of small or medium chest. The doll is sold blank with an optional face-up, body blushing, eyes, wig (not styled), outfit and shoes.

Both Chilli and He Yi are discounted 15% today only.  Loongsoul dolls may be ordered from their authorized dealers internationally including  Fabric Friends and DOLLS,  Alice’s Collections, and Dolk (Dolk Station).

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