Huajing Ai Xi

A new 1/4 doll has been released by Huajing. Ai Xi is 44cm tall. She may be ordered in normal or white skin resin with a small, medium, or large size chest. An optional face-up may be added.

Their dolls may be ordered internationally from their authorized retailers including Alice’s Collections.

From the company:

  Huajing Doll 2021 Spring Festival Event (2021.02.03 – 2021.02.28):

* Crab Monsters: 10% off.

* 70cm Dolls: 20% off.

* 1/3 Dolls: 10% off + a pair of hands for the doll as gift.

* 1/4 Dolls: 10% off + a pair of hands for the doll as gift.

* 1/6 Dolls: 10% off + a pair of hands for the doll as gift.

* Giant BB: 10% off. * 1/8 Dolls: 10% off.

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