Cyborg & Human Ji–Zero

1/4 size Cyborg Ji–Zero and Human Ji-Zero are new from DollZone. Both versions are sold as basic or full-set dolls in normal pink, white, peach, or grey resin.

Cyborg Ji-Zero is 48cm tall. The basic doll includes a mechanical version head, random color eyes, a mechanical mask (detachable), mechanical headwear (detachable), tentacles (detachable), a sword hand (right side), and high heels. The full-set will additionally include a transparent PU dress, a pair of blue LED lights, two bundles of wires (black & red), a faceup, body blushing, painting for mechanical parts, and two water stickers. The resin weapon shown may be optionally added.

Human Ji-Zero is 44cm tall. She may be ordered with a small or large bust. A face-up may be added. The full-set will include the transparent PU dress, wig, face-up, body blushing, and two water stickers.

For a limited time, both versions of Ji-Zero are on sale.

DollZone dolls may be purchased from the company or through their authorized retailers.

From the company:

Doll Zone New Doll Promotion (2020.09.17 – 12.16): 15% off

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