LE Honey31 Delf Choco Discount Event

A limited-edition Honey31 Delf doll and six Honey Delf dolls will be released by Luts on August 19th at 11:00 AM Korea time.

Honey31 Delf Choco is a limited edition of only 30 dolls. The BJD may be ordered in normal, white, or blown skin resin with a type 1 or 2 body. A face-up, random color eyes, wig outfit, and shoes are included with purchase. Honey31 Delf Choco is being sold at a 5% discount and with 5x extra store points. This limited edition is only available from the Luts website.

1/6 size Honey Delf Choco, Brownie, Pretzel, Choux, Anko, and Lolly are offered blank with a Type 3 or % style body. Seven resin colors are available. The dolls are sold blank with an optional face-up. A gift clothes event is offered with early purchases.

From the company:

For Renwal Honey Delf buyer (first 50), Free Random Clothes GIFT Event!
-> Please select “FREE Clothes GIFT Event for Honey Delf” from an additional product. (50 Worldwide – Random Design)
* This is not limited doll.

Honey31 Delf Choco
Honey Delf Dolls Clockwise from top left: Lolly, Pretzel, Choux, Anko, Brownie, Choco

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