FairyLand 2020 Summer Event

The Fairyland Summer Event has begun. Photos of the gift items will be released soon.

Dolls from the company are also available through authorized retailers Denver Doll Emporium and  Dolk (Dolk Station).

From the company:

We are happy to announce the start of our annual 2020 Summer Event. 
New dolls and full packages (ie. Feeple65) may be released during the event period depending on our processing schedule. Further information regarding new Feeple65 and Feeple65 basic release will be updated on our website upon its release. Further information regarding new Feeple65 and Feeple65 basic release will be updated on our website upon its release. As no further information is available for the Feeple65 at this point, we are unable to answer any questions related to it. 

Please note that unless it is exclusively mentioned otherwise, ie [000 sculpt is limited to 000 doll count. or 000 sculpt is never to be repeated again in 000 size.], the sculpt (the head) itself is never a limited release, with an exception of event gift heads and faceplates. However, Full Package (or anything that comes with accessory sets) is ALWAYS quantity limited and may end prematurely before the end of the event without notice.

When placing your order, please take shipping delays due to COVID-19 into considerations. Please refer to our [ Shipping Restrictions due to COVID-19 ] notice for further information. 

Event Duration: July 3rd, 2020 – August 9th, 2020 (KST)


Chosen event gift MUST be included together in the order cart to receive it.  You will NOT receive event gift if your order does not contain eligible event gift(s). 

 Tan Skin Option will be available during 2020 Summer Event Period for: PukiFee only. 

Event Contents:

Customers are eligible to receive following gifts for orders priced;

a. $400 or above:  pukiFee Face (NS or BW)

b. $650 or above: MiniFee Head (NS or BW)

c. $850 or above: FeePle65 Face (NS or BW)

Eligible price shown above EXCLUDES shipping fee.  

* Event Head Processing time : 50days

* Caution : Please note that adding Event head will delay shipping period.

– Order containing a wrong event gift may be cancelled by the administrator and refunded if payment has already been made. 

– Order cancellation will incur $0.30 paypal administration fee charged by paypal. 

– Changes in event gift types or skin tone is not possible after the order is placed. 

– Existing orders (at item processing stage) can also participate in the event if; 

* the order is not participating in other previously released event. 

* new order containing event gift of eligible price needs to be placed, with request for combined shipping with existing order. 

* addition of event gift will affect the processing time and shipping may be delayed slightly as a result of it.

– Event gift pictures will become available for view at http://dollfairyland.tistory.com/page.

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