Frost Archer Owen & KWD Renewal

The WithDoll 1/6 size KWD body has been improved. The new body may be ordered in white, cream white, rose white, normal, grey, or honey brown resin. Customers may select a boy or girl body.

Frost Archer Owen has returned. Owen is 45cm tall. He may be ordered in normal, white, rose white, light rose white, or cream white resin. Options include a face-up, wig, outfit shoes and optional parts (bow and arrows) and painting for the parts.

From the company:

[New Doll] Renewal KWD 27cm body
KWD 27cm body have been modified.
The shape of knee joint, hands, arm and leg were changed like a LKWD Body.

[Re-release] Frost Archer Owen
Frost Archer Owen was re-released.
This limited edition is sold for a limited period of time only.
Sale ends June 30 and sale period can be adjusted according to the sales.

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