One Little Alien

Tamikan Space has created tiny One Little Alien. The 14cm tall creature comes in five resin colors or may be special ordered in a custom color. A pre-order for the alien has just opened.

From the company:

Hello Earthlings! Thanks for being with us during these unpleasant times! Our new space troops are planet Belt’s mass media product: they are a popular show’s characters.

One Little Alien is a 14 cm (5,5″) ball-jointed doll cast of polyurethane resin. Its eye sockets fit 8 mm diameter eyes. Its head features four magnetic points for accessories attachment and it also has magnets in it’s feet.

It costs $200 with a pair of eyes. Two magnetic antennae are included into a basic set, more can be ordered with your doll as an option ($5 to add one more and $8 for an additional pair).

Please, don’t hesitate to ask us about other layaway options! Usually, we may split the total for your order into up to four monthly payments if it’s more convenient for you.

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