Wuwu and Hanhan

Wuwu and Hanhan are two doll heads now available from Asleep EidolonThey are also available with a 1/8 resin or Obitsu body.

The 16cm dolls are offered in normal, white, or fairy white. A full-set (limited edition of 10) comes with a head with a face-up, body, eyes, and outfit.

From the company:

New released:Wuwu and Hanhan
Which head fits on OB11 body and 1/8 body on the same time.
Heads sales separately this time.^^It’s only 40$.Head with OB11 body 60$.

All dolls -15% off ,stay safe,stay healthy.

As corona virus’s situation is getting better in Wuhan,we are able to back to work.We have to get local government’s approval because we are located in Wuhan,we have been compulsive closed since January, until now.
I am thankful for your patience for waiting us.I recognize it is not easy to carry on daily life during this national emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.Let’s fight virus together!

Use coupon:STAYSAFE

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