
Tamikan Space artist Nothing Sapiens has announced a new doll named Naora-15. Some changes were made on the Gals line bodies. Customers may now order the new girl and any dolls currently in-stock.

Naora-15 may be ordered in 6 different resin colors or a custom color may be requested. She is sold as a face-plate, head, or as a full doll.

Customers can select from four breast sizes for their doll. Naora-15 may be ordered with a human or cyborg body, arms, hands, and feet. The cyborg hand and foot parts come in a number of resin choices with options. Cyborg body parts come in white or black.

From the artist:

Happy New Year, people of Earth!
New Gals’ mold Naora-15 has arrived and we’ve launched new VIRTUALITY EFFECTS Collection.

Gals now have one more new breast size – “free” (medium), the hands and knees are slightly modified. Please, take into account that this new Naora mold features a new face attaching system and her faceplate won’t match with other Gals’ headback. Ife and Kaan will be modified next time, however, new Gals’ preorder won’t take place in 2020, so this is probably the last time you can order these molds without changes.
Every item you see on photos may be ordered, don’t hesitate to ask.
VIRTUALITY EFFECTS – is a style, popular among Planet Belt’s roofers – youngsters who invent, design and test hi-tech essential for Belt’s economics. They prefer hi-end casuals, embedded with gadgets and edgy techs which allow to use environmental energy and go into virtuality at any spot of the Harbour Roofs – be it apartments, hi-streets, cafes or clubs they often dive in.

Tardigrades can be ordered this time, too. Their new basic color is Amalgamastic.

All information about the preorder you can find at creatures page on our site.

We also have some dolls in stock:

Ife in Savanna and Naora-15 in Nordic VIRTUALITY EFFECTS Collection, price upon request. They can be purchased with or without their outfits.

Hybrid in “probiotic” color – $400 + shipping with NY discount – valid before the end of preorder.

Tardigrades “Amalgamastic” и “Syringita” (two of such kind) – $175 + shipping

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