December 2019 Pre-orders at Blue Fairy

Blue Fairy has now opened pre-orders for December. This will be the last month for baked skin orders. Some changes will be made to monthly orders next year.

From the company:

We’d like to inform you of the changes in our management after January 2020.
-switched some products into monthly type/ added new type/ order change

Dennis, Emily type heads will be switched into limited head with the last order in December and new types are planned to be added. The release order of monthly type head will be gradually changed from the year 2020.

Dear BJD lovers,

-Accepting order for normal head all types / Baked Skin for December

During the monthly period in December, the order for normal head all types and last online pre-order for Baked Skin will be proceeded so you can purchase them before the price increase or termination of selling.

Announced Monthly pre-order doll type in Dec. 2019.

* Pre-order Period
pm5.2nd Dec.2019 ~ pm5.9th Dec.2019

* Head skin color (normal, beauty white, snow white, baked skin is last order)

* Head

TF:Joshua, May, Emilie, Sarang, Olive, Louis, Denis, Jasmine, Patrick, Robin

SF:May, Hana, Benjamin, Paul, Andy, Connie, Sam, Leila, Minoru, Jaden

PF: Minimay, Choco, Yoko, Jimmy, Remmy, Didi, Noma, Roa, Fei, Chalie

* New parts

BF : Fist hands

TF:Gun hand, Classic girl hands, Classic boy hands

And Option Parts

* Blue fairy Friends

Zephyros – Alphie / Of D – Garnet

I’ll always be here for you
-Blue fairy

Bluefairy International-I will always be here for you < Click here

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