Granado Galileo

A new 70cm tall boy doll from Granado is now available. He is named Galileo. The company has also released the new slender Zen boy body and new Gen.3 jointed hands.

In addition, Granado has launched a Black Friday Discount Event.

From the company:

Galileo is sold as a head only or as a full doll. Options include a male body (Zen, Embody, Evol) a face-up, eyes, ball jointed hands.

Galileo Release / New Male Body / New BJ hands / Black Friday Sale 2019

Dear all,
A new Elites is here! He is Galileo, he comes with a new type body : Zen.
And we are very happy to show you our latest ball jointed hands.

PS. Galileo’s story line is written by our photo contest 2019 winner 

Skin Type: ALL
Set includes: Galileo’s Head
Request Options: Body Set, Eyes, BJ Hands Gen.3, Makeup service

Male Body Zen
Skin Type: ALL

B.J.Hands Gen.3
Skin Type: ALL

:: Ordering Period ::
From 22th Nov 2019 to 22th Dec 2019

:: Special ::
1) We will provide seam sanding service for free.
2) We can offer face-up service for customers that only order the head.

:: Website ::
Galileo : 
Male Body Zen : 
Male Body Zen
B.J.Hands Gen.3 : 
B.J.Hands Gen.3
Instagram : 
@granado.doll • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook : 
Granado | Facebook
Twitter : 
Granado (@DollGranado) | Twitter
Tumblr : 
Granado Doll

This year we will hold a Black Friday Sale!

Period: 22 Nov 2019 ~ 29th Nov 2019
Target: All our customers who would like to order our dolls

1. 4 dolls are re-release!
NewtonSarielRemiel and Jupiter

2. All Dolls 20% off!
Every dolls we are selling on our website are 20% off!

Include: Resin Dolls itself, VINDOLLs itself, Torso bases
Does not include: Eyes, Wig, Outfits, Faceup serivce, Shipping fee.

3. Male body Zen and B.J. Hands Gen.3 is released!
And they can be sold separately til 29/11/2019.

– After you placed an order and made an authenticate with us on QnA Board or E-mail, we will refund the discount via PayPal.
– Please authenticate with your order ID to us by 3rd Dec 2020, otherwise the discount will be invalid.

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