Scylla, Nox & Mechanic Head

Doll Family – H has two new 75cm boy dolls named Nox and Scylla. Both come with the new 75 boy body. They are being offered with free gifts as part of the company’s 11th Anniversary Event.

Scylla and Nox may be ordered in a variety of opaque and translucent resin colors. They are sold blank with a random color pair of acrylic eyes and an optional face-up in style A (special) or B (normal). Options include an outfit and special (unpainted) resin parts: an eyeglass and a sword set.

A Special offer head is also available, The 75cm Mechanic head. It is sold blank or painted.

The Doll Family – H event runs for a month. Discounts and free gifts are offered. Their dolls are sold internationally through authorized retailers including  Alice’s Collections.

Event information:

Doll Family-H 11th Anniversary Event (2019.09.22 – 2019.10.22):

* New Dolls Nox, Scylla: 12% off + a pair of jointed hands (or 5-pcs JJ parts) as gift.

* New Body DF-H 75cm Boy Body: 12% off + a pair of jointed hands (or 5-pcs JJ parts) as gift.

* New Special Offer 75cm Mechanic Head: 12% off. * 56cm – 72cm Doll/Doll Body: 10% off + a pair of jointed hands (or 5-pcs JJ parts) as gift.

* 38cm Chubby BB Doll/Doll Body: 10% off + a pair of jointed hands as gift. * 45cm Doll/Doll Body: 10% off + a pair of (normal hands or heel feet or ballet feet) as gift.

* 26cm Doll/Doll Body: 10% off.

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