~Raccoon Girl Gene~

Before they introduced their 1/4 size boy BJDs, Raccoon Doll created their girl line. Once I added Raccoon David to my collection, it was only a matter of time before I added a girl. Now I have their Gene sculpt. My doll came with the company’s Slim body with small breasts. They also offer larger breasts and a second Glamorous body, also with two breast size options.

Gene came packaged much like David, with a foam cutout box within the box protecting the entire doll. Mine is blank in normal skin resin with a nice matte texture. She has shallow parting lines that are unobtrusive. Gene’s eyes came already installed in her head, and she has both flat feet and heel feet included with purchase.

Gene with flat feet, her heel feet are in the pocket to the right of her leg.

For the remainder of her photos, I transported Gene outdoors. Here she is standing for the first time on an uneven surface. She is 44.5cm tall on her flat feet. The company’s dolls are mature, but unlike “slim mini” dolls, they don’t have exaggerated heads, hands, and feet. They are built with fashion doll proportions, a style that has become increasingly popular. Since her feet are smaller, it was a little harder to make Gene stand without support, but she was able to do so.

Here’s another standing photo.

The differences in the two BJD styles can be seen by putting Gene side-by-side with my Limhwa Leda. Leda is close in size to Gene. (Leda has her heel feet on here on which makes her the same height, but with her flat feet, she is 1cm shorter.) Leda’s head, hands, and feet are noticeably larger. Her wig size is 7/8, while Gene wears a size 6/7 wig. Fashion-style dolls also have smaller eyes.

Here are Gene’s hands and feet in detail. The doll’s right hand has bent fingers, while the left is fairly flat. The foot photo is of her flat feet.

So, with the preliminaries out of the way, it’s time to take a look at Gene’s body starting with her arms. As you can see, her arms are capable of taking many poses. There are shelves on the elbow joints that keep the arms in place when held straight.

The torso joint functions well. The upper part pivots side-to side, and back by sliding on the lower part. There are gaps in between the parts in more extreme poses.

The back of the lower torso has a series of notches that allow the doll to bend forward and lock the upper torso into place. When tulted back, the breast part can go as far at the top of the lower torso

The upper thigh has a series of scalloped divots along the slit of the ball joint. I cannot fathom their exact function. They may reduce slipping of the paer when slid into the hip. The entire leg moves forward and to the side easily. To move it back or further forward, there is an upper thigh split that when pulled out has a series of pointed rests.

Here is the rest part being used to bring the thigh closer to the body, but using the same upper thigh joint, it can pivot it further back or to the side too.

Like the elbow joints, there are little shelves on the knee part where the upper and lower leg may rest, thus keeping the leg from moving or collapsing when Gene is standing.

When the leg is bent, the cords move down the slots. Here are both leg parts pivoting on the knee part together.

So finally, David and Gene meet! Here is a shot of both dolls side-to-side. David is significantly taller than Gene, but within common size differences found between adult men and women. With heeled shoes, Gene could rest her head close to his shoulder instead of his chest.

Here are a few photos of them sitting together.

Gene, like her male counterpart, is a well-designed doll. Both are a size that provides a mature style with a lower price than 1/3 dolls and with less storage space necessary for keeping them. All of the plusses I found with David are shared by Gene, and more clothing and shoes for this style of doll has been introduced. Finding a wide variety of interesting wigs and eyes in their sizes is still not as easy as it is for bigger dolls, but as this size continues to be popular, more stuff is appearing. For now, I am very satisfied with both dolls and look forward to styling them in the future.

Photos of Gene taken from Raccoon Doll:

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