Granado is about to open a Custom Doll Service.
From the company:
Greetings! We are Granado.
CDS (custom-made doll service) is now online
In the past eight years, our dolls, both realistic or anime style have earned a high reputation from supporters.
We believe Crocus Lee has mastered his craftsmanship therefore after a thorough consideration,
we proudly announce a brand new custom-made doll service (CDS) and welcome individual to order.
The charges will be available for all interested members and supporters!
From now on until 29/09/2019,
you will enjoy a 10% discount if you place any CDS orders.
:: Website ::
Instagram : @granado.doll • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook : Granado | Facebook
Twitter : Granado (@DollGranado) | Twitter
Tumblr : Granado Doll