~Cutie Dudu~ a Review

So far I have 45cm tall big Baby line Peridot, a 22cm tiny Mini line version of Peridot and now I have the new middle-size child from the  Comi Baby Doll family, 26cm Cutie line Dudu.

It has been a long time since I introduced a new 1/6 doll into my collection. I have tended to go for really big dolls or very little dolls but have less of the in-between sizes. I really only have a few 26cm-ish size BJDs with no new additions for years.

Lately, I have wanted to add one, in part because they take up less space in my storage (I have a lot of dolls!) and because I have realized what a great size they are, easy to pose and enjoyable to dress and style. There are lots and lots of wig and outfit options available!

One of the reasons I like Comi’s dolls is that the company happens to make lots of really cute BJDs. It also doesn’t hurt that they sell them at reasonable prices! Still, I didn’t have a new 1/6 girl at the top of my list until I saw Dudu. I really loved both her face sculpt and her face-up in the company photos.

So Dudu arrived last week. She came in a black box with the Comi wax seal on top. Inside was a pretty outfit, a wig, glass eyes and her certificate of authenticity. The bag for the doll is really nice. It opens at her face and is closed by blue ribbon drawstrings.

Dudu was wrapped like a mummy inside her bag.

She is cast in a creamy white resin. Once I finished with the opening photos, I installed Dudu’s eyes, popped on her blond wig, and got to work posing her.

Like most BJDs now, Dudu is double jointed at her elbows and knees. As usual, I started with the arms. She has an oversize head and a child body. Her arms bend and hold poses well, but due to its size, she is unable to touch the very top of her head.

To show the operation of the torso joint, I decided to remove the wig. There are no rests to hold the upper torso in-place, but they were not really needed. Dudu’s torso joint stayed in place whether moved backward, forward or to either side.

Now the legs. They have an upper thigh joint that allows them to pivot if desired. There is a stop molded onto the thigh parts to keep the joint from spinning around completely. The parts were not designed to pull out and balance the lower thigh on the top of the upper thigh part.

There is a notch where the top of the thigh to keep the leg in place when Dudu is sitting. It rests on her behind.

The knee joint also has shelves to hold the leg in place during posing. There is one in back of the upper thigh, and another at the front above the calf.

Here’s the upper thigh joint and the double jointed knee working together.

I took some nude posing photos to show Dudu’s joints at work.

Dudu’s outfit consists of a dress, hairbow, apron and socks. I had a light red wig from Jpop Dolls that looked really pretty with her face-up and eyes.

And here are some photos from the company.

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