Pinocchio Audrey

Pinocchio Audrey with added “action parts” may now be ordered at Little Monica. The BJD is from the 1/6 Honey Harmony line. Audrey may be ordered in normal or white skin resin with a choice of a girl or boy body. Options include a face-up, partial or full body blushing, and basic or Pinocchio action parts. The outfit shown may also be added.

From the company:

Hello, this is Little Monica.

We are pleased to announce the release of special honey Harmony

‘Pinocchio Audrey’ and ‘Action parts’ for only Audrey head.

‘Action parts’ is the product ended its sales in 2011. This is the new release in 8 years later.

* Action parts: Very much interested head which could draw

the shape of eyes in your wishing since it is made by Urethane.

Detailed information will be opened at the time of release.

I look forward to your interesting and love for this.



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