Margaret 2nd Limited Edition (updated)

Do Dolls Dream’s first doll, Margaret is back with a new look for 2019. The doll is cast in normal skin resin. She is being sold as a full-set called “Apple Jam” which will include a special face-up by Pauli, eyes, wig, outfit by Kalcia and shoes.

From the artist:

I’m very happy to announce Margaret’s second order details after long preparations. Creating my first doll was a long journey, but I enjoyed every single day of it. Margaret is the first doll I made so I really wanted to use this once in a lifetime opportunity to truly create and share with people a doll that represents as a whole everything I aesthetically love about BJDs.

Do Dolls Dream Margaret original doll

Make up handpainted by Polish artist Pauli Faceup Studio

Fullset outfit: dress, bonnet, underskirt, bloomers, apron with detachable ribbon, socks, wrist cuffs by Polish artist Kalcia’s Workshop

Wig: Leekeworld LR-002_E or LR-078_E in Goldenrod, 8-9 size (one of two wigs in very similiar style)

Shoes: random red or red-white shoes from Leekeworld, matching outfit and Margaret’s feet perfecly

Resin eyes: Makoeyes Owl-018 (16mm size)


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