American artist Sarah Seiter sculpts adorable creatures and fantasy characters. She also occasionally creates wigs and other doll accessories. Sarah currently sells her wares at The Mushroom Peddler Etsy Shop.
Q: I haven’t talked to you since 2012! How have you been doing?
A: Life has been a whirlwind of major changes for me since 2012. Just to give you a quick summary of the craziness… I got divorced and then married to a wonderful man, moved three times (including moving my doll workshop each time), bought a house, and had a new baby among other things. I feel very blessed. During the time all that was going on, I was not present much in the doll world for a while. I am back now though, and working on new sculpts during my newborn’s nap times. Life is busy but good.
Q: In the last interview with you, your first Impling Willow was released. Tell me more about the line including your latest addition, Hazel. Will there be more in the future?
A: Since Willow, the Impling was released, I have released Ivy the Impling and Maple the Impling. My latest edition, Hazel the Elderling, is a smaller size with a new body style.
I do plan to make new Implings in the future, but currently, I am working on some new smaller dolls that I plan to offer during 2019.
Q: You have continued to make animals both real and mythological over the years. What were your most recent ones?
A: Some of my most recent new sculpts are Maple the Impling, Fern the mini Impling, Smoulder the Baby Dragon, and Puddles the Pug. I am currently working on a mermaid and a baby kitty. Obviously, my newborn baby has influenced my sculpting with all these baby animals!
Q: I saw that you asked members of your Facebook group to choose a new small pet to be produced. What was the winning choice, and when will we see it released?
A: Baby Kitty and Baby Monkey are currently the two options with the highest votes. I am working on the kitty now. Not sure when I will be making the monkey, but since the votes are close between the two, I will probably sculpt both.
Q: When you first opened your doll company, did you foresee yourself still creating BJDs 8 years after Shelly the Turtle?
A: When I opened my company I had some pretty big plans for the future, so still making dolls now doesn’t really surprise me. I love doing it. I just make what I like myself, and then share them with others. What is surprising to me is how quickly the time has gone by.
Q: Do you still produce your wings? Any other products?
A: I still make wings sometimes. A new product I have designed and have been selling are my wig sculptures. I am currently sold out of them, but I am in the process of making more in various sizes.
Since almost all of my items are handmade from scratch, you never know what will show up in my shop! It kind of just depends on my mood. I tend to work in batches though, so I will usually offer a few similar items at a time such as a run of different wigs or outfits. Many things are one of a kind though, so they may only appear in my shop once.
Q: Of all of the creatures you have made so far, do you have a favorite?
A: That is a really difficult question. Like I said, I make things I like myself and then share them with others, so they are all favorites, but if I have to choose… I think I’d have to say Ivy the Impling (inspired by my daughter), Magic the Unicorn, and the mermaid I am working on are probably the closest to my heart.
Q: How many dolls have you released? Which are still currently available?
A: Goodness, I’d actually have to go check on that. I don’t know off the top of my head (lol)! I have created A LOT of different dolls. The current ones I have available for preorder are Hazel the Elderling and Smoulder the Baby Dragon (blue resin). In my Etsy shop.
I have a few others in stock in limited numbers such as Smoulder the Baby Dragon (purple resin), Magic the Unicorn (white or purple resin), Ribbit the Frog (green resin), Shelly the Turtle (green resin with tan shell). I am currently working on my own official store on Etsy, but with my new baby, it may be a while before it is ready to live.
Meanwhile is currently a placeholder info page about my art and dolls.
Images above from top: Mushroom Peddler Logo, Lil’ Miss Muffet & Her Spider, Tuffet BJDC Austin convention doll, 2016.
Mushroom Peddler Shroomies Facebook Group
The previous article about The Mushroom Peddler on BJDcollectasy may be found HERE