Pigoo the Flying Pocket Grook

Circus Kane Dolls has a smaller version of Grook called Pigoo the Flying Pocket Grook. She comes in warm sand, pink petal, fudge or green absinthe resin. The order period will be open until January 10th.

From the artist:

PIGOO! The pocket Grook has arrived!
Very chubby butts. Very same chubby everything. But much smaller, much funnier and much more affordable but still chubby and plump!

But as you can see in the preview pic, she’s not totally ready yet and she’s just out of her pampering session! she now needs to get into her outfit I am making for her

Since she is my Xmas event preorder, I have to announce that EVERY Pigoo adopted, will come with a handmade by me special gift in order to make her.. fly
I will unveil that surprise very soon with the final pictures in just a very very few days! The flu got me by surprise this year and got me working slower. Those following my Facebook even know that I had a sneezing glitter dust catastrophe!
I knew that some of you wanted to adopt their Pigoo right away, so to not make you wait any longer, I open her preorder and will update her gallery ASAP!

The little poetic pocket piglet will come with her personalized CircusKane bag, and a free pair of eyes. Pocket Pigoo takes 8mm eyes.

You can also choose my face-up as an option. Be quick though for I cannot paint more than 40 face ups per preorder as I am a one woman circus.

But I am also extremely lucky to have amazing artist friend who proposed her services to all of my collectors who want a handmade face up.

Face Up Artist : Maureen Carroll. Her work can be seen HERE. and her email is  mcarroll@twistedwickets.com. Maureen is a very delicate and poetic artist.Maureen’s work can be seen HERE.

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