Jude Head (UPDATED)

Doll fashion studio SartoriaJ created their first doll head, Jude. He is currently available for order. New photos of the head with different limited edition face-ups are now available. The company has also created different outfits for him. A list of some compatable bodies with photos may be found HERE.

Jude’s order period will close on December 31st, Korea Time.

From the company:

Order info
Sales period: 1-31.12.2018
Event gift – free ems ww shipping and opportunity to choose color for gift eyes with small iris.
Size of head – 8-9 inches
Size of eyes – 12mm
Skintones – warm ivory (~light normal pink), peach cream (matches with iplehouse peach gold), amber beige (matches with iple special real and dollshe copper oriental)
Casting company – Dollshecraft
Fits bodies like Iplehouse EID and SID, Dollshe 28m and 18m, Soom megagem
Head created by person worked with Iplehouse.

Options: 4 promo types, with diffrent faceups and opportunity to add special outfit

Jude Leather Jacket

Jude BraveHeart
Jude Francis
Jude Tuxedo

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