FreedomTeller for Fall

FreedomTeller has updated their site with new fashions for the Fall season. The boy’s new overcoat comes in sizes 62cm, 65cm 0r 70cm boys and SD, SD16 and Dollfie Dream girls.

UPDATE clothes updated. on
(MSD, DD, SDGR, SD13, SD16, SD17, 70cm, & SID, EID Homme)
http:// / Twitter (@FreedomTeller) / Instagram (@freedomteller_bjd)

[UPDATE] New Fall and Winter items updated

We will inform you about the new fall and winter items updates. 

We have a half coat of single-breasted of over fit coat this time.
It is a simple but chic feeling overfit and prepared two different fabrics, nice solid and classic check.
The girl’s coat is also made to feel like a man’s tailoring and could wear it as an over-fit.



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