Fairy Reverie Basic Bambi & Mignon

Rosen Lied has opened a season limited pre-order for Holiday’s Child fairy reverie versions of basic Bambi and basic Mignon.  They may be ordered  in normal or white skin resin. An optional face-up (with optional lashes) may be added.  A free gift will be included with purchase.

From the company:

Hello, this is Rosen Lied.
Here is the new update list for September 21st.

**The update will be at 7:00 pm (KST/GMT+9)**

[New season limited doll]

Holiday’s Child Basic Bambi (Fairy & reverie ver.)

Holiday’s Child Basic Mignon (Fairy & reverie ver.)

Sales period: September 21st ~ October 21st

*Holiday’s children is only available for limited doll or season limited basic doll.

To everyone who orders “Holiday’s child basic Mignon & Bambi” through Rosenlied’s website within this period,
special gift outfit will be given as a present.

* Gift outfit event is online only.


Gift outfit

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