Mandy Advance Orders

The next doll to be released at Kaye Wiggs:Artist, Sculptor is Mandy. At this time, the artist is taking advance orders. This will be the only opportunity to order. Mandy will be cast in fair skin resin with a face-up and eyes included.

From the artist:

I have decided to run a TENTATIVE order for Mandy. No money down .. just register your desire to buy.
I will keep a list of those who want her and order accordingly and when the dolls come in you would get first offer to buy. You would have 4 to 5 months to save up for her and any that were not sold at that time will then be offered by lottery.
I will accept orders via email only. Please email me on and identify your email as “Mandy order”

Mandy is on MeiMei body and is about 17″ tall. I will keep this order open until the end of this week which will be Friday 10th Aussie time or Thursday 9th.
USA time.

PS … this will be a one time only edition .. no smaller or larger versions and only this one colour .. she will be about $850 to $900US.


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