Tirka Deer Update

DollPamm is preparing a new doll.  Photos of Tirka Deer have been posted on the website and on the  company Facebook page page. Tirka will be available starting August 1st.

Tirka is 32cm tall and she’s 41cm tall with antlers included. She will be sold in three versions.

Sunset and Darkness Tirka will be limited editions of 50 dolls each. Sunset is cast with a tan body and cream limbs and brown transparent horns, Darkness in cast in grey resin with white limbs and red transparent horns. They are sold blank or painted with optional costume set (outfit, wig, eyes) and resin wand. A sleeping head will also be available (blank or painted).

White Tirka is a limited edition of 100. She  is cast completely in white resin.  She is only sold blank.  An optional blank sleeping head will be available.

The blank sleeping head will be sold at half price with doll purchases until September 10th.

From the artist:

Finally! Soon~, I will release Deer girl “TIRKA”.

Doll size : 41cm(Including deer antlers)
Head size : 5.5inch (10/12mm eyes)

Additional Product Pages:
Darkness “TIRKA” (limited 50) / Sunset “TIRKA” (limited 50) / White “TIRKA” (limited 100)

※ White TIRKA has prepared a separate product for those who enjoy BJD painting art.
(White Tirka has no magic wand / painting / costume add options.)

The pre-order period is from August 10, 2018 until sold out.

For more detailed sales information, please visit Tirka product page.

I would like a lot of interest and support.
Thank you!

Doll artist Dr.Mes

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