
Doll Artist Kaye Wiggs is well known  for both her earlier porcelain dolls and for her BJDs. She is now starting on a new adventure. The artist is in the process of having her early baby and toddler dolls re-imagined as older child BJDs. Sienna, the first old/new doll is about to arrive in a special pre-order. Kaye has also launched a new website where she will be selling the new doll line. I asked Kaye if she could tell me more about the project and her new website.


Q: Could you give me a synopsis of how the Sienna BJD came about?

A: Well, I just felt like I wanted to do something different, so I was toying with the idea of making some of my resin dolls in porcelain and just doing very small editions of them in the porcelain. Then I saw some of my customers were asking if I ever planned on making resin dolls that were more like my old porcelain dolls, so I thought “why not try?”.  My porcelain dolls were a lot bigger than regular size resin dolls, so I came up with the idea of downsizing the porcelain heads to fit my resin doll bodies. I sent one of my porcelain heads over to the factory in China (Sini), and asked could they do it, and they agreed to try.  Sienna was the result. The factory did a great job, and I am very pleased with how she turned out.

Q: So do you still possess the original molds for many of your porcelain dolls?

A: Yes, I have most of the mold for my porcelain dolls.

Q: Around how big were the original porcelains?

A: They ranged in size from 14″ to 28 ” tall. Most were between 20 and 28 inches.

Q: Even though she is smaller, to me Sienna looks like a little girl version of the original toddler doll.

A: Yes, I agree, she doesn’t look exactly like my original Sini. I have noticed before that when a doll is downsized the doll kind of thins out, it’s especially noticeable in the face, so I think that is why she looks older and different.

Q: How many Sienna dolls will be released? Will there be different resin colors?

A: I will be releasing 40 Siennas in sunkissed resin at first. These will be hand-signed and numbered and I will be doing some minor enhancements to the face-up. Then a week or two later I will be offering a short pre-order for her for those who miss the first 40 dolls. The pre-order dolls will not be enhanced or hand signed. She will be limited to the amount I sell in the pre-order. I may do other resin colours at another time, but I haven’t made that decision yet. If I do, I doubt I will offer a pre-order on those … I would just do a small edition.

Q: What size of body is being used for Sienna? Will all of the BJDs from this new series come in the same size?

A: Sienna will be coming on my Abby body which is the tallest of my MSD sized bodies. No, they will not be all on the same body. It will depend on the doll… if she looks younger, I will have her on the MeiMei body (the smallest of the MSD size bodies)

Q: For the dolls based on your older sculpts, you have created a new website. You also have lists of all your dolls on it too. Can you tell me a little bit about it?

A: I felt like I wanted to have some record of all my dolls for myself and my collectors to use for reference, so when Jay offered to help, I happily agreed for her to make my website for me as I have absolutely NO tech ability!!

Q: Do you have many other sculpts from the past you plan to re-create in resin?

A: Yes, I have Mandy and Imani at the factory at the moment being downsized to fit my MSD bodies.

Q: Will there be any boy dolls?

A: Maybe, I haven’t really given that any thought yet.

Q: You will still be creating new sculpts for Jpop correct? Do you have anything you are working on for them?

A: Yes, I will still be creating new sculpts for Jpop when I can. I have been having problems with arthritis in my hands and shoulders so I have been having a break from sculpting, but hope to be able to sculpt again soon! I have started a new sculpt but with VERY slow progress… I just work on it when I can so not sure when it will be completed.

Q: It must be a bit exciting (and a little intimidating) to start this new project and sale site, but I am sure you will do well. The new version of Sienna is wonderful!  I can’t wait to see more of them.

A: Thanks… yes, I’ve been excited and also stressing about the new project… not long to wait now until the first round of sales is over!! I’ll relax when all the dolls reach their new homes!!


Photos above from top:  Sini, Mandy and Imani porcelain dolls.

The first Sienna Dolls go on sale July 7th and 8th.  Information on ordering her may be found on Kaye’s new website HERE

Kaye Wiggs:Artist, Sculptor Kaye’s new website

Jpop Dolls Exclusive dealer for Kaye Wigs BJDs.


Facebook Pages:


Kaye Wiggs BJD Q&A

The Artful Doll



1 thought on “~Sienna~”

  1. Thank you for this lovely interview with Kaye. She is such a wonderful artist and a gracious woman too!

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