Arsene and Erica Snow

A pre-order is open for dolls Arsene and Erica Snow. DollShe Craft has altered both heads and is creating EN and SA heads of both dolls (“The EN head features half-open eyes and the SA head has a serene sleeping expression.”). Both dolls may be purchased in both large sizes and in a fashion doll size. They may be ordered in pale, fresh, oriental, copper oriental or pale tan resin. This preorder is for no more than 10 of each doll. It closes on July 7th.

From BJDivas, a Dollshe authorized retailer:

Following the pattern set with Amanda Beauty, Dollshe Craft has created EN and SA heads for their Erica Snow and Arsene sculpts.

To commemorate the launch of these new heads, Dollshe is hosting a 30% off event.

This event is both time and quantity limited. The limited quantity is 10 dolls for each sculpt, and the limited ordering period is 10 days.

The sizes of the new heads are slightly larger than that of the existing OE heads.

The full package configuration includes both the EN head and the SA head.
The basic package is offered at a 30% discount.

When the limited quantity of 10 dolls is exhausted, the event will end.

Order Period

June 27 – July 7

Ends early when 10 orders have been placed.

Limited Quantity Event

Ten bodies available in total

Special package configuration for Erica Snow

OE head + EN head + SA head + Pose body + 3 different types of breasts + Gesture hand type 1 + Gesture hand type 2 + High heel foot + High heeled calf + Clothing exchange hand parts

Special package configuration for Arsene​

OE head + EN head + SA head + Pose body + Gesture hand type 1 + Gesture hand type 2 + Flip-Flop Feet + Clothing exchange hand parts

Basic configuration

Head + body

* Additional parts are also offered at a 30% discount.

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