~David by Raccoon Doll~ pt. 1 & 2

Since their opening in 2015, Raccoon Doll has created a whole cast of lovely ladies in a 1/4 fashion BJD scale. Last year the company introduced a male line.  Currently they have four sculpts available: Andre, Robbie, Damien and David.  The men are all 51.5cm tall. Raccoon offers four skin colors for their basic dolls: normal, white, milk mocha and sweet mocha. My new doll is David, and he is cast in normal skin resin.

When I first became interested in BJDs in 2005, fashion style resin dolls were not as common.  They were designed to appeal to the same people that bought vinyl dolls by Tonner and similar companies. Most had painted eyes. Den of Angels disallowed them on their forum.

Now more BJD companies are offering fashion-scale resin dolls including Dollshe, Dollmore, Iplehouse and others. Finally I decided I wanted check them out. Raccoon Doll’s David is my first doll of this type.

David arrived in perfect condition in a box with a cheeky illustration of the Michelangelo’s statue of David with a raccoon tail and ears.

Inside, David was cushioned by soft foam. He had dark eyes already installed.


There are drastic differences between typical 1/4 BJDs and 1/4 Fashion BJDs.  The most obvious is that the dolls do not have the child-like body shape of MSD and similar type dolls.  Fashion dolls are adult sculpts with more natural proportions. Their heads and eyes are much smaller. I have several 1/4 boy BJDs around, and David is taller and looks nothing like them.

David with an old DollZone Megi, MYou Wind

I do no not have a typical fashion-style female doll. The doll I own that fits best with David is my Limwha Leda. With flat feet, you can see that she would be a petite girlfriend. She came with resin heels and heel feet, so it was easy to raise her up a bit so their height difference looks like a more typical fashion doll pairing. Stylistically Leda isn’t the perfect match. She is just a little shorter than Raccoon girls (43.5 compared to 44cm) but her head is larger.  Leda takes 7/8 size wigs while Raccoon boys and girls both take 5/6 size. But with the right clothing, shoes and wigs, David and Leda could probably fit in the same world.

(Note, the heels of both dolls are lined up, but due to perspective, David looks as if he’s positioned lower.)

I have no wig that fits and suits David. I am going to have to search for something I like.  I need to purchase some clothing too. I was told  Iplehouse FID clothes would fit, and SartoriaJ has some nice fashions. I may consider a pair of shoe feet from Raccoon. (If anyone has additional recommendations for clothing, shoes and wigs, please let me know!)

So David will be the beginning of a new size and type of doll for me.  One thing I like about this size is that all of my 60-70+ cm dolls hog so much storage space in my home!  The Fashion boys and girls take up a lot less space, yet still fill a collecting niche previously  filled only by 1/3 to 70cm + size guys.

(To read David Part II for a detailed look at the structure of the doll, click HERE.)

Company photos of David:

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