Resin Rose BJD Expo News

The 4th Resin Rose BJD Expo is being held this August in Clackamas, Oregon.  The theme for this year’s event is Sci-Fi. Sales for passes for the 3 day event which includes a dinner are closing soon.

From the event staff:

Resin Rose BJD Expo is quickly approaching and things are selling out.

-We have about 25 3-day passes left for the dinner. The cut off date for the 3-day pass is July 17th, 2018. 2-day and 1-day passes are unlimited.
-We have about 5 swap spaces left. It is $10 for a swap space if you plan on selling or trading. It is free to attend with a 3-day, 2-day or Saturday pass.
-We have 4 vendor tables left. If you’d like to sign up please let us know soon. Our cut off date is July 17th, 2018.
-Our hotel block has sold out but they have added 5 more rooms for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
-You can pre-sign up for contests. We need at least 5 participants for each contest for us to have it.

To find out information on registering, hotel reservations and signing up. Please visit our website or email us sat


We will be hosting our fourth in August of 2018. Planning for next year’s show is already well underway. So that any who wish to participate have the largest possible window of time to plan, we are bringing it to you now.

When: August 17-19 2018
Where: Monarch Hotel in Clackamas, Oregon
Theme: Science Fiction

Attendance Rates-
3-day $69, 2 day- $39, 1-day $29
At the Door: 2-day $49, 1 day $34 (full), Sunday-Only shopping pass half day $15

Vendor booth rates start at- $169


Current Vendor List (We will be adding more as layaways are paid for and more sign ups come in)

Anne’s Dolls
Blue Bird Doll Shoppe
Cirque de Fantomes
Comi Baby Doll
Dapper Dragon
Edith’s Edition
Enchanted Doll Eyes
Jade Gordon
Jamie’s BJD Prop Shop
Kristi Holaas Designs
Little Chimera Dolls
Marsh Art
Mirror Foxx
Mischief Maker
Raven’s Nest
Red Iris Atelier
SemioticKitten Faceups
Snowy Creek Treasures
Stardreamer Studios
Studio KNH
Summerbird BJD Studio
Synthetic Ephemera
The Pink Coffin

For more information on our show, peeks at previous years, or to join our mailing list visit our website.

The discussion thread can be found here.

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