~Kim Arnold’s Dolls~

Kim Arnold of The Trinket Box was last interviewed for BJDcollectasy four years ago, and since then she has created many more adorable dolls!  Her latest girl, Quitara, has been very well received. Even though the artist is preparing to undergo a surgical procedure later this year, she is determined to continue with her plans to release at least two more additional dolls in 2018. 


Q: We haven’t talked on BJDcollectasy since 2014! Can you briefly everyone in on what you have done since then?

A: I think when we last spoke I was sculpting regular MSD size dolls, but I was about to go in a new direction with a larger scale dolls. Thus the Trinket Box Kids came to life. The Trinket Box Kids are more along the line of a popular 18 inch vinyl doll so they can share clothing and use accessories like “furniture”.  I loved the idea of this size as I tend to love bigger dolls. It was a risk-taker, but my customers loved the bigger girls and have a lot of fun with them. I introduced Duda, Michelle and Mazey first and then added Kimmie, Yarrow, #1 Misfit Dally & now at present Quitara my first African American doll. I love the fact that our world is so diverse and so it is with my line of dolls.

In between some of these dolls I was trying very hard to deal with my Father’s failing health and then his death in January 2017. I did go through a very dark emotional period that I am sure everyone has gone through with the loss of a loved one. I did have new work half finished and had to put it away because I could not deal with it. I took the time that I needed to deal with my emotions and put myself back together.

This year will bring new dolls Franny and Cayce in yet another new body that is a bit more flexible and downsized from the original Trinket Box Kids…still 18 inches tall but less chunky. I am looking forward to new adventures with these new dolls.

Going back a bit, I did end up 3d printing my Original Trinket Box Kids down to a 12 inch size, and the little ones are super popular, and they are very cute. I did not think I would be head over heels in love with small dolls, but I really do love them, and its not really about what I like it -is more of what the customer likes or loves.

In 2016 I wrote my first book…bits and pieces about my life and my work, and it is filled with photographs of my dolls…my family…poems and quotes. It was a lot of fun to do, and my customers really enjoyed it.

Although this year will bring challenges health wise, I will not let anything stop me from what I love to do. I have some of the best customers around who have supported my dolls for years. I would not be this far if it were not for the support of Family, Friends and Customers.

I forgot about my animal dolls!  Lilly, LuLu & Daisy (dogs) – these are 19 inches, and then I also did a kitty cat (Tingo) also 19 Inches tall. These were done by special order.

Q: Please tell me a bit more about your latest release, Quitara. When was she sculpted? What resin colors will she be released in? Will there only be one pre-order for her? Will she only be sold as a full-set?

A: Quitara is my first African American Bjd. I sculpted her head way back in October 2017 and then sent her to the factory in December. Quitara is being offered in coco and medium tan. I have always had a love for ethnic children and for this came Yarrow and Quitara. Yarrow was more of an Asian influence, so I knew in my heart that my next sculpt was going to be African American. This pre-order that just started is limited to 35, just because I know I will be having surgery so I want to keep my workload small. After I have had a good recovery period, I will offer her again and also in the 12 inch size. All my dolls are sold in full sets…each customer gets the full package, and I let each customer pick out what they want in photo charts that I do up and post just before a doll order comes in.

Q: Franny and Cayce, Are they completely sculpted? What colors do you think you will release them in? Will they fit in any standard size clothing?

A: My new dolls Franny and Cayce are already sculpted. I finally finished them up after setting them all aside for some time while I was dealing with personal issues as I had already mentioned, but they were sent into the factory with my Quitara head back in December. I have four  different resin samples for Franny and Cayce – cream, peachy cream, toasted tan and cappuccino. With sizing, I have sized the new doll body down to a Disney Animator size with clothing that is readily available for this size doll along with feet size with the availability of some really cute shoes! Sometime down the road Franny and Cayce will also get re-sized down to the 12 inch scale.

I look forward to enjoying the summer months ahead. Then I am going to have my surgery, and after a short recovery period, Franny & Cayce will be introduced in a pre-order period. This will probably finish off 2018, but I do have a little project that I have been working on ( off and on ) I am going to try my best to squeeze it in before the year ends. Wish & Wash is a doll that has 2 faces one face is happy and the other is grumpy/sad…so basically what I have done is make the head cap another face but I have more to come to the story of The Wishy Washy Project.

I just want to stay busy and focused on the work that I love to do.

 The Trinket Box



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