~Little Cosmos Dolls~

<<extraterrestrial dolls looking for parents>>


In the world of Little Cosmos Dolls, little alien children have been sent to Earth after their home planets were destroyed.  They are hoping to find kind people to take them in. Would you consider  adopting a little Extraterrestrial orphan?


Q:  Can you tell me about yourself?

A: I’m from Barcelona and my name is Sandra. After finishing my Advertising degree I began my studies in Illustration, and while doing it I took a porcelain doll master class. It was my opportunity to translate my drawings into real and touchable beings. Currently I sculpt ball jointed dolls, but recently I also made other kind of dolls, like art toys. I love miniatures and sometimes, usually for events, I release treats for dolls. They are made from resin, polymer clay, mermaid puffy, etc. I like to try different techniques. And the one last thing about me, I have to cats and I love them!  They are Maca and Merlin.

 Q: How did you become interested in BJDs?

A: Since I first saw them? haha. Almost as soon as I found out what they are. I usually saw them while surfing the net, but then I didn’t know all about them, the collection, the hobby… I have always loved to make things and to understand the mechanisms inside dolls and articulated plushies.

Q: When did Little Cosmos open?

A: Little Cosmos ·dolls· opened in early 2015, but was in my mind a year before. (The story of the brand name is on my SITE.) Little Cosmos has some similarities to “it’s a small world”. I used cosmos for the future, modernity, but if you already read the  Little Cosmos story, you’ll see that even then, war and bad people existed, so good people and solidarity is needed, always. In the next country, even in the next cosmos. 

Each doll has its own story, about why they needed to leave their planet – “Extraterrestrial dolls looking for parents”.

Q:  What  was the first doll you made?  What dolls have you released so far?

A: My very first doll, not quite a BJD, was made in 2014 and was never cast in resin but in a modeling clay – it is like porcelain but it didn’t need an oven for drying the pieces. I just made a copy of her. Her name was Clara. 

While working on her I was making Robin, the first version of her, and Sue (never casted and never will be). I loved Robin  from the beginning –  from the sketch I made of her on paper. I’m like that, she wasn’t finished but she had a name and some garments waiting for her to come to life. Robin was released in summer 2015 at Dolls and Party, an event in Barcelona. 

Since then I haven’t stopped sculpting. I’m a very nervous person and sculpting relaxes me.

While waiting for casts of Robin from the factory to arrive, I began Oliver with the boy body and Olivia – a girl version. Those bodies are not the current basic bodies. When you sculpt you are always making changes and improving your techniques. So the new Basic ones are the improved version of Oliver and Bastian’s first bodies.    

The same thing happened with the Fantasia body, the cute and smaller one (Atlas and Robin vII are on them). The knee and arm joints are slightly different and they can do more poses. 

So far I have released Oliver/Olivia, Bastian, Atlas and now the new version of Robin. 

Q: Besides the bodies did you make any other changes in Robin?

A: When sculpting, your style little by little is changing, not so abruptly, but significantly. I made Robin’s facial features more sweet, like the nose and lips. And her body is completely different. Now she can pose better and has a smaller size (1/6). She is more like a fairy now, and Robin is poutier than ever!    

Q: What kinds of treats have you made for your dolls?

A: I do any kind of treats from crepes to croissants, ice cream, hamburgers… I usually make them  1/6 or 1/4 size. 

Q: Do you ever sell your miniature food separately. or are they only made as gifts?

A: Yes I usually sell them at events. This June 2nd I’ll be attending the Dolly Day in Barcelona and I need to prepare some stock!

Q: Can your dolls wear any clothing made for other dolls around their sizes?

A: Yes, of course. There are many clothes they can wear. The “big” ones, Basic Body, can wear Narsha from Dollmore or KID size from Iplehouse perfectly. Actually they can even wear Yo-SD clothes,  just you must keep in mind they have longer extremities. But the Fantasia Body can wear any Yo-SD clothes.

Q: What are some of the things that influence your ideas for your dolls?

A: I’m a big fan of old books and stories where kids get lost or they are poor. Like Hansel and Gretel or The Little Match Girl, or Oliver Twist. I must say I don’t like kids getting hurt, or having a bad time! It’s just that I grew up hearing and loving stories from Andersen, the Grimms, Wilde…

Q: So are you currently working on any new dolls?

A: I’m working on different sculpts, but also in a different size. Hopefully in early 2019 I’ll release Camille, she will be 23cm or so, I still need to do some adjustments. 

Q: So your next doll will be smaller than the others? Do you prefer to make bigger or smaller dolls?

A: Mmm, difficult question. I like bigger because you can see them better, haha. No, really, I don’t mind. The little one is easy to take everywhere with you, but in terms of “making” I don’t mind. You need to do the same steps.

Q: Will Camille also be an alien?

A: Yup! But she forgot where she was landing, and her appearance, despite being human, is too small. Now she can’t do anything about it. She just hopes people will love her anyway.

Q: Do you have some plans for future dolls?

A: I’m always planning! I have a notebook full of sketches of future dolls, but they are a secret!

Q: Is there anything I forgot to ask you that you would like to add?

A: Maybe that some people have asked me before if I am ever going to sell any head for a 1/4 body. Just the head, not the complete doll. I thought about it and it’s a possibility, but the head will be a new one, never used on a body of mine.


Little Cosmos Dolls 


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