~The Neo Girls~

Dr. Mez is constantly working to produce new sizes and styles of BJDs. His latest doll line, Neo, is his most ambitious project yet.  These 68-70cm girls combine the presence of the larger dolls while still displaying the unique style of all DollPamm dolls. 


Q:  You could tell a little about your new Neo girls and the challenges of working in a much larger size?

A:  To be honest with you, there is a very embarrassing back story to why I made a big doll. In Korea, many BJD companies have big SD-size dolls. For about six years after I created my company ‘Dollpamm’, I have never participated in off – line events such as exhibitions / doll shows / free-markets at home and abroad. There was a fear of going to an exhibit without an acquaintance, and there was a fear that taking only small dolls would not attract people’s attention. I have never been involved in the doll community (I have never worked in another doll company) and I have almost no acquaintance with the BJD Doll business community. I think I am a perfectionist and a very timid person!

But, In 2018, I wanted to make a friend related to the doll business in Korea, and go out at least once to a doll event. I also want to go to overseas events. There is another big reason I plan to participate in an offline event. Photographs can not express the realities of my dolls, so I want to show my dolls directly. I made the big dolls to look better at offline events and doll shows, to make them stand out.

Ah! And the biggest reason that I made a big doll is, the little dolls were a little less worthy of my hard work. When the big doll was finished, this sense of worth improved. The smaller the doll, the more painful and more delicate the process is. With a smaller size, there were many cases where people are not recognized for their talent. I thought that a big-size doll could not be ignored by people.

Q: How long did it take to actually sculpt your girls and the new body?

A: I took about two months for the Neo 68 body sculpture. Also, the time it takes to sculpt the two heads was approximately 1 month. The production of the silicon mold took about two weeks. In fact, the time it took to sculpt the doll was not much different in time relative to the size of the doll. (20~70cm).

Small dolls take more sculpting time completing the delicate details of the small parts, and large dolls are easier and faster to express that delicacy, but they take a long time to polish (sand) a large area.

When making big and small dolls, each size of dolls seem to have advantages and disadvantages to the sculpting process (from this sculptor’s point of view).

If fact, compared to other tasks, the prototype sculpting period does not take that long. Other tasks like listing in an online store, silicone mold making, resin casting, post-processing, painting, costume making, photography, photo editing, promotion, etc… takes much longer.

Until now, I have never outsourced the other kinds of work, from sculpting doll to sales. For this reason, it takes a lot of time to complete all tasks until a new doll is released.

Q: I was surprised when you released Canna and Olive.  I was expecting a doll around 60cm tall, but you went much bigger!  Was that always your intention, or did the project grow as you worked on it?

A: I planned to make a 65cm NEO doll, but after looking for a pretty body line ratio, the doll legs were made slightly longer than planned and so a 68cm doll was made. When I modify the body line a little, the size is slightly longer or shorter.< strong>Q: Are there any commercial size clothes and shoes that the Neo can wear?

Neo 68 body was made with reference to the SD16 female body size, but the shoulders are a little narrower, and the size of the buttocks and thighs is slightly larger. My guess is that the commercial costumes of SD16, skirts, dresses and skirts (but not pants), will be compatible. The Neo foot is 6.6cm and will be compatible with commercial (SD16) shoes of approximately 7cm size. All commercial outfits and shoes are slightly different in size, so I recommend before purchasing to reference the NEO body size table.

Q: Now that you have completed your first Neo dolls, do you plan to continue working on that line for now, or do you plan to return to working on one of your other lines? Do you think you will make any large boy dolls?

A: Someday, I will make a big boy doll about 70cm ~ 75cm.
I also want to make small Neo boy and  girl dolls, Between 50cm ~ 60cm in size. I don’t know yet what size doll will be sculpted. After I sculpt the approximate form of the doll, I will know the approximate doll size.

There are too many kinds and sizes of dolls I want to make,
but the time margin, the margin of capital, and my health do not always allow it.  And commerciality is also a consideration, so even if I want to make a very unique doll (undead zombie, anthro, alien, plant -human, mermaid, etc…), it is very difficult to choose.

For now, I have to finish re-making some damaged silicon molds, and I will do limited anthro doll line work and some  body modification of the Pepe line, and I will sculpt a new Neo new head occasionally.

WOW! so busy! I think I’ll be exhausted soon this year! I want to borrow a cat’s hand. haha.

But, In 2018, I want to make a friend related to the doll business in Korea, and participate once in a doll event. I also want to do overseas  events soon.



The making of the Neo girls may be seen in a special photo gallery HERE. The albums include the sculpting of the bodies and heads, testing the body before casting, and casting, as well as some finished doll photos..


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