Luts New Doll Update

The remaining Luts dolls for part 2 of their Winter Event have been posted. They include limited edition Kid Delf Shine Sky Boy and Sky Girl and Senior65 Delf Abadon French Knight version. All of the basic BJDs may be ordered in real skin normal, white, brown, light tan and tanned. The basic dolls will be sold blank with glass eyes and an optional face-up.

Shine Sky boy and girl come with a choice of head and body style and a pair of steampunk wings. The wings come in three color combinations: black pearl frames and prism wings, pearl gold frame and yellow wings or white frame and green wings.

Abadon will come in two versions.

The Limited basic version will include both a regular and an “armet” head (face with helmet) and armor. Options include a face-up for the regular head and face-up and painting for the armet head and armor. Armor painting comes in two styles, silver or blue. The sword, blank or painted, may be added.

A special full-package version of Abadon is also shown. He may only be ordered in normal, white or brown resin. He will include a face-up, armor with painting (choice of color), armet face part with face-up and sword with painting.

All of the event BJDs will be released on December 22nd at 12:00 PM and will be available until Feb 22nd at 5:00 PM , 2018 (Korea time).

Blue Armor
Silver armor


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