
Granado just introduced a new member of the “Archangel series”.

Sariel may be ordered in any of the company’s resin colors. He is sold as a head-only or as a full doll with a choice of Evol or Embody style vdn                     body. Options include a face-up in style A or B, wig(s), eye sets, extra hand parts, ball jointed hands, outfit, shoes and accessories (champagne and cocktail glasses).

At this time, Granado is holding a discount event.  The event is listed on BJDcollectasy’s company/retail page HERE.

From the company:

It’s December! Angels are coming to town!
Our seventh Archangel, Sariel is just released!

Set includes: Sariel’s Head
Request Options: Body Set, Eyes, Wig, Outfit, Shoes, Optional hands part, BJ Hands, Makeup service

:: Ordering Period ::
From 1st Dec 2017 to 5th Jan 2018

:: Special ::
1) We will provide seam sanding service for free.
2) We can offer face-up service for customers that only order the head.
3) Basic Outfit and accessories can be sold separately (Not include eyes). Please contact us if you only need them.
4) Since Sariel is also an Archangel, he will also joining Holy Night Festival 2017. Which means he will have a big discount!

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