Wonderfully Wicked Vampire Witches and Vampire Wizards are now at Peak’s Woods. Four 1/3 size dolls, FOC line Tristan and Rosemii and Dandy line Tristan and Gio Blue are available with fangs. Customers may choose other heads as well. All dolls are sold blank with optional face-ups, hand blushing, and outfits and jewel eyes.
From the company:
<Peak’s Woods Halloween Special>
FOC Vampire Witch & Vampire Wizard_”Wonderfully Wicked”
Vampire Tristan (vampire fangs & pointy ears)
Vampire Rosemii (vampire fangs & pointy ears)
Vampire Dandy Tristan (vampire fangs)
Vampire Gio Blue (vampire fangs)
*Skin Tone
Moonlight Grey
Emerald Green
(Sorry, other skin tone is not available)
*Layaway Available : Please follow the link regarding our layaway below.
*Ordering Period : October 24 ~ November 6, 2017 (for 14 days)
:You can purchase any Dandy or Dandy head you want during our Halloween Special Event.
(Sorry, Dandy Cosmo, Dandy Bella the Moon, Dandy Segi, Dandy Lottie are not available this time)