OOAK Vampire Miho

Migidoll is preparing to sell a one-of-a-kind full-set doll, Vampire Miho. The 1/3 size boy will be sold by auction.

From the company:

Vampire Miho has come to you for a long time.

Vampire Miho, who took the life of a vampire.

To be a more pale and beautiful vampire, we prepared it in collaboration with Oscar Doll.

The doll on the photo will be sold as a mail auction later (a wig will be chaged). After the auction is finished,

The goods in collaboration with Vampire Miho body and Oscar doll eyes will be on sale from October 1st to October 13th.

(do not include makeup)

** One-Off Mail Auction Schedule

September 25 : Auction photos and auction start price release.

September 26th ~ 28th : Mail auction start (Please present your auction price with your e-mail ID)

September 29 : Korean local time 11:30 am: Winner announcement (The winner will be awarded to the person who presented the best auction price.)

Auction start time: September 26 at 10:00 am (Korean local time)

Auction closing time: September 28 at 6:00 pm (Korean local time)

At the time of the auction, we announce the middle highest bid (part of ID) every day at 1:00 pm.

However, the last day is open twice.

26th: 1 pm

27th: 1 pm

28th: 1pm, 5pm

Email address for participating in the auction


(If the mail is not sent, please contact the bulletin board)

* The winner must pay within 24 hours of the winner’s announcement.

If the payment is not completed, we will contact the participant who presented the 2nd highest price.

Auction doll delivery will be sent on October 10. (We will not ship in early October due to Chuseok holidays.)


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