Marmite Sue of Angel Egg Dolls – Resin Menagerie has opened a pre-order for her Porcelain, Orchid and Butterfly sculpts. The 35cm tall dolls are sold blank with a pair of 6mm eyes included. Optional painting is available.
From the artist:
This pre- order will include the Natural Body with the 3 face options, perhaps one or two of ornamental body pieces that will fit this body, and several accessories introduced in the catalog.
BTW, pre-order details will be available to people on the Menagerie Mailing list Only, so if you haven`t registered to our list yet, you can do so now.
This pre-order will end Friday, 18th of this month (August 2017).
Doll ordered on this pre-order will be shipped from January 2018 (blank dolls ship first).