Limited edition Yolande: Young and Wild may now be ordered at Amadiz Studio. Customers may order Yolande with a male or female body. Resin color choices include milky, bisque, peach cream or chocolate. All dolls may be ordered with optional seam sanding, face-up and body blushing.
60.5cm tall Female Yolande comes with both flat and heel feet and a choice of small, medium or large breasts and static or flexible hips. Additional flexible arms and ballet feet may be added.
65.7cm tall Male Yolande comec with a choice of static or flexible hips, a set of “Amadeus” hands, ballet feet and heel feet.
A variety of wigs and clothing for the dolls are sold separately. The order period will end on August 21st.
Girl Yolande:
Boy Yolande: