FreedomTeller Update

FreedomTeller has posted New suit sets and and “cape shirts”.  They are available in multiple sizes. The suits are in mint or white and the shirts in white, dark navy or black.
From FreedomTeller:

UPDATE Homme and Femme’s new items updated on
(DD, SDGR, SD13, SD16, SD17, 70cm, & SID, EID Homme) / Freedom Teller (@FreedomTeller) | Twitter / Freedom Teller | Instagram / freedomteller_bjd

[UPDATE] Color Me [ White & Mint ] and Cape Shirts updated

We’re happy to inform you that we’ve made our new item update.

Color Me [ White & Mint ] updated.

We are showed white & mint color summer suit in series of [Color Me]
The jacket is made of double breasted adjust style, and the pants are available to take one in shorts and ankle pants.
When you complete this suit with a romantic shirt, the suit will look a light and fashionable even in summer.

[Event] Cape Shirts updated

We are prepared Cape shirts for summer events.
This shirt is attached to the button portion of the sleeve and cape, so it could be removable.
It is the lightness to finish with Sailor Kara and Red Scarf.

* Includes : Cape (cloak) shirt, removable sleeve, scarf + collar

* Size : SD13,SD17,70cm boy / DD,SDGr,SD16 girl / MSD boy & girl

* Event Period : 2017.06.23 ~ 07.10

* This shirt is only produced during the event.
* If the order quantities are many, shipping could be delayed.


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