Peak’s Woods Dandy Releases

Peak’s Woods is preparing a multiple release for Dandy line dolls and bodies. A new 67cm body will also be released.

Gio and Gio Blue as limited edition Alice in Fabulousland will be offered  with the new 67cm body. Resin color choices include normal, white moonlight grey and pink punch. Options include the face-up shown, hand and nail blushing, outfit and jewel eyes. A free gift head , Troy (open-eyed Tristan),  is also available. Troy will come blank with an optional face-up.

The Dandy 7 Day Festival will allow customers to order a custom BJD boy.  Doll options include a choice of head and body in normal or white resin. Additional options include a face-up (3 styles available), hand blushing and nail painting, a White Rabbit outfit in red, green or black, fur White Rabbit wig, shoes and jewel eyes.

The 67cm body will also be sold separately. It will come in normal or white skin resin. Photos of the size difference between the 61 and 67cm body are posed on  the Notice Board on the company;’s site.

The Peak’s Woods Dandy Event will run from June 15th to July 31st.


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