Misterminou Multi-doll Release

Misterminou Doll is selling a variety of dolls at this time with an easy payment schedule.The list includes Little Cornue, Cornélia, Baby Nyx, Noctabylis and Nyx normal. Nyx and Baby Nyx heads are also available. Resin colors include brown, green, grey, normal and mauve. All colors are the same price The prices of each doll may be found  HERE.

From the artist:

I decided to propose a little bit crazy event! During this week, you can choose in the list below, the doll and the color of your choice. And it with a possibility of payment several times quite soft! From 60 euros only.

Possibility of paying in any small monthly payments, from 60 euros a month. The made payments are not paid off. I send the doll or the head once the last made payment.

To place an order, mail me at : misterminoudolls@yahoo.fr

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