Gender roles are being switched in Peak’s Woods’ Alice in Fantabulousland. The company has released FOC Rosemii and Rosemii Blossom White Rabbit. They may be ordered in normal, white, pink punch or suntan resin. Both are sold blank with optional face-up, manicure, jewel eyes, outfit (including fur wig) and shoes. A free event head of Rosemii and Rosemii Blossom is offered as a gift. It is cast in normal or white skin only (color is random). The dolls’s body comes with a large Bust, split thigh. Special hands & Heel Feet are included.
Orders are open for basic FOC dolls as well.
Layaway is available.
From Peak’s Woods:
Do you happen to remember one of PW 2015 Winter Events, “Let us know your Dolly Wishes”?
The most wishes we got was a theme of Alice in Wonderland with gender swap.
Therefore this time, we switched a gender of Alice and the White Rabbit.
Honestly we’ve had so much fun preparing this theme, we hope you also have enormous fun with us.Here is brief information regarding a new release below.
*Model : FOC Rosemii(wake-up) and FOC Rosemii Blossom(open) in Pink Punch skin
*Ordering Period : April 10, 2017 ~ May 10, 2017
*Layaway Available
*15th Anniversary Gift : Event HeadIf the White Rabbit finds Mr. Alice on time, FOC Dandy as Mr. Alice will be released in early May. XD
*FOC Re-release : For 7 days, you can order any FOC in Normal and White skin.
*Ordering Period : April 10, 2017 ~ April 16, 2017
*Layaway AvailableYou will find more details and information on each pomo page on our new website.
PW New Website :
http://peakswoods.comThank you very much for your constant interest and precious time.
We hope you have a lovely spring~~~~~~~~~~!!!