Tan Unoa Girls

A limited quantity of Unoa girls are available from UnoAlchemy. All have a marbling flaw on their torso.

From the retailer:

Ok guys, this is not an April Fool’s joke, UnoAlchemy has more tan girls up for sale!

This time we’re including 6 optional faceplates in the set beside the 2 Sist/Lusis defaults, plus big breasts and hands. We have 20 sets on a first come first serve basis!

The price for the set is the same as for the Fresh/Fairy, or ¥45.000. We have reduced the price for tan because this casting batch came with a marbling flaw on the abdomen of every doll. Alchemic Labo is hard at work making underwear as a gift, but if you’re bothered by this type of flaw we’d suggest refraining from buying at this time and waiting for a better batch, although we don’t know for certain when more of these girls will be cast.

We also have the other kits – boys, elders and chibis – available in the regular colors.

For those of you interested in buying tan girl faceplates, we have them available!

Check our website at unoalchemy.com or email us at unoalchemy@gmail to make an order!


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