Ariana and Paw – Human and Wolf

Soul Doll’s latest Limited Edition BJDs are part of a new series called “Fairy Story”. 56cm tall Paw and 45cm Ariana Wolf and 52cm Paw and 42cm Ariana Human may be ordered in white, normal, brown, grey, sandy brown, mint blue and saffron orange resin. Customers will receive two heads, either one of each type (wolf and human) or two identical heads. In addition customers may either purchase their dolls at a 10% discount or receive a set of Winter Event clothes.

Options for the human version dolls include a face-up for one or both heads, an extra body, partial or full body blushing, wig, eyes, outfit and shoes.

The wolf version dolls will additionally come with resin wolf parts (ears, tail, foot-paws) in a choice of resin colors including the opaque skin and transparent blue and orange. They may be optionally blushed. Extra human parts may be added, and an extra wolf or human body is available. Weapons for both wolf dolls are optional and come blank or painted. Ariana comes with a small or large breast part and the human version comes optional additional breast part and heel feet.

Both Ariana and Paw will be sold until January 31st, 2017.  A 6-month layaway is available. Full information on the Soul Doll Winter Event may be found HERE





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