Cygne Released

Fairyland is selling Cygne Full Package as a limited edition of 99 dolls. The Feeple60 line BJD will come with a Moe body and heel feet. A face-up, eyes, mohair wig, outfit, resin shoes and flat feet are included in the package. Options include a sleeping head, a vampire gift head, face-ups for either or both heads and an upgrade to premium eyes. Resin color options include natural, white or tan.

The company has also launched a gift event.

From Fairy Land:

16/17 Winter Event


Chosen event gift MUST be included together in the order cart to receive it.

You will NOT receive event gift if your order does not contain eligible event gift(s).

Event Contents:

Customers are eligible to receive following gifts for orders priced;

a. $190 or above: 2017 Calendar

b. $400 or above: LittleFee Faceplate

c. $600 or above: MiniFee Head

d. $800 or above: Feeple60 Head

e. $1,500 or above: ALL items from a~d (one of each)

– Eligible price shown above EXCLUDES shipping fee.

*4% FairyLand mileage points will be rewarded for all [ New ] items listed during event period instead of 2%.




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