Migidoll is holding a discount event for basic normal versions of Miho and Cho. After the event ends, the heads will only be offered as limited editions or one-off dolls.
From the company:
** Miho & Cho(Normal version) last sale event!
* Migidoll’s Style type “Miho & Cho” normal version will be on last sale.
(Later, it will be likely to be on sale by One-off as limited version.)
* In remembrance of last sale, You can get Miho & Cho (head & set) 10% off and the head (Miho & Cho) product set has an opportunity to purchase at $ 200 as launching commemoration during event.
-Hope your lots of attention for this last chance to purchase head parts & normal version.* Sales period : 10 am on Nov. 14, 2016 ~ 6 pm on Dec. 01, 2016 (Korean local time)