~Peridot~ A Review


Comi Baby Doll is a recently opened artist-run company from Korea.The first Comi head, Mion was made to fit a Luts Baby or Rosen Lied Wednesday’s Child body. Peridot was the second head from the company. Along with her release, the first body created by Comi was offered. My doll is Peridot and she came with the new company body.

Peridot arrived in a pretty box with a textured paper-covered lid decorated with a wax seal on a ribbon decoration.


Peridot was inside of a padded bag with a flap at the end. She was completely wrapped in bubble wrap. A pair of eyes were underneath the bag. A certificate of authenticity was also included.


Peridot is 40.5cm tall and made of an opaque dense resin in a “normal” skin tone. She has somewhat wide hips and thigh joints that can hold wide-legged poses.



The doll stood easily right out of the box.


Unlike many dolls available lately, the Comi body has classic “ball” single joints at both elbows and knees. Her torso joint arches back well, and twists and bends to the sides, but does not bend much forward.



Peridot’s hands can reach the top of her head but not her chin.


The head cap fits very well and does not easily dislodge, thank’s in part to a heart-shaped depression at the front where the magnetic catch is located. A latch and a groove to fit it are located at the back.


Here’s my Peridot head getting her face-up.


Like other 1/4 baby style dolls, Peridot has a big head that fits an 8-9 size wig or stretchy 7-8 size wigs. Most of my current collection of larger wigs tend to be too long or too mature for her. I first installed 16mm glass eyes. The green sparkly 14mm eyes fit well too.

Here’s Peridot next to my Kaye Wiggs’ Annabella and Mystic Kids Lillian, Peridot has a similarity in build and style to Annabella who is a larger-than-average 1/4 doll.  Lillian is a classic “slim mini” scale 1/4 girl. She is much more mature in style and in-between in size.


The thing I like most about Peridot is her cute pouty mouth that curls into a smile!

Here she is wearing a 1/3 boy’s wig that fit well.


I also tried a Jpop Dolls‘ 7-8 Kanalong wig that fit with just a little extra tugging The outfit was made to fit Annabella and similar size dolls.  It fit Peridot perfectly!  The dress was made from a pattern by gracefaerie designs. I couldn’t locate any 1/4 girl’s shoes, but I tried a few 1/4 boy’s shoes on her instead, and they fit very well.  I was told that she can wear most Volks MSD size outfits.


Here is a little more detail on the swarico leg joints. There is a shelf to hold the leg in place in the ball of the thigh joint.



While her joints are simpler, Peridot has a sturdy and cute body and an adorable face. She is my first 1/4 size doll  with the chunkier child build.  Now that I have her, I like this size more than I expected.  I may have to get a few more!


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