~Pan~ a Doll by Pathos Tale



The size and weight of the larger 70-odd centimeter BJDs I own always amazes me.  You would think by now I would be used to hauling them around. My new Pan is now one of the heavier ones I have. Not only is she very solidly built, even her horns are substantial!

Pan came from a company that opened internationally this past spring called Pathos Tale. The company creates fantasy BJDs. Pan, a faun, was their first doll – a limited edition of only 30. She arrived about a month ago. Her pretty box is simple but elegantly designed with gold stamped on brown cardboard. I removed the lid and expected to find my doll with some foam and bubble-wrapped limbs in a simple zippered bag.


The pillowy case actually is a bit more complicated with padded belts to hold her in place, one with a velcro closing.There is also a padded flap for extra protection around the head.


The doll was additionally carefully wrapped, especially her head that came covered in bubble wrap, a mask and foam “bandages to protect her pointy ears and nose. My doll was cast in normal skin resin.  She is also available in white and tan.

The two packages seen in the photo above on top of the doll (on her chest and her legs) are her horns. Each individual package was as big as her head!


Pan was only offered blank. The horns are attached by plugging the pegs at one end onto the holes on Pan’s head. Magnets would not be trustworthy to hold their weight.  Of course this means that any wig would need to have holes in it if one is used on her.



The legs are multi-jointed, combining both human and sheep legs, and they end in small hooves.


Pan came with a pair of pale pink glass eyes, her certificate of authenticity and some postcards with illustrations of her and of LuoNa and LuoSheng, the 1/4 size twins that Pathos released in July.


Once I pulled my doll out of her box, I laid her on her back on my carpet.  Pan has a beautifully modeled torso. She brings to mind the appearance of classical sculpture.


I took my BJD outside to take more photos.  Pan’s horns had a tendency to slip out of their holes, so care should be taken in moving and posing her.  Here is a close-up of the horns. They look like seashells crossed with croissants.


As usual, I tried out the double elbow joints on my doll first. They work very well and stayed in place when positioned. The doll has long-nailed hands, and some of her fingers are attached to each other.

Pan’s face is delicate yet sensuous.  She has tiny fangs protruding from her mouth.  If they are not wanted, they could easily be removed with sanding or possibly disguised by a face-up.



The upper torso joint is very mobile.  It allows for numerous posing options. It can be a bit too mobile at times, and there is no shelf in the back to allow it to remain rigid.  Sueding would probably fix this problem.



The legs are not really able to pose much.  The company went more for looks over function here.  They suggest a doll stand if she is to be posed upright.  The only joints in the legs with any mobility are the “knees” (above the hocks) and they don’t move much.  The tiny feet can also be moved a little.


The hip and thigh joint area is much more posable.  As I plan to make a special daybed eventually for this doll to lounge around on, I really don’t expect to have her stand at all. Pan is all about relaxation, and she does it so beautifully.



Pan is really more of an art doll than anything else  The aesthetics of her sculpture show clearly what inspired the artist.  She has a unique look and some lovely modeling. She is a bit tricky to handle do to her weight unusual build and large horns, but she promises to be a fun project.

Pathos Tale


Company photos:



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