MiniFee Momo

Fairyland recently introduced another Minifee girl for sale. Limited edition Fairyline Momo may be ordered in a Full Package, a Full Option package and as a basic doll.

Human Momo comes in natural, beautiful white or tan skin resin with a small bust. The rabbit parts come in the same colors plus mint and pink. If white parts are chosen, they can be purchased with optional blushing. Tan resin costs extra.

Basic Bunny Momo comes with a human upper body and rabbit lower body. She will include a pair of acrylic eyes. Options include a sleeping head, a face-up for one or both heads and an ears and tail set.

Basic Momo is the same as the Basic Bunny version but will also include the human lower body.

Full Package Momo will include a human body, face-up, acrylic eyes, wig, outfits, shoes and bunny tail and ears. Options include a sleeping head (blank or painted), upgrade to premium eyes shown in the photos, and bunny lower body.

Full Option Package Momo will come with both a human and bunny lower body, bunny ear and tail parts, face-up, premium eyes, face-up, wig, outfits and shoes. Options include the sleeping head and optional face-up for the head.

At this time, Fairy Land is holding an event. More information may be found on the BJDcollectasy Company/Retail Sale Events page.






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