MiniFee Ria Witch

In preparation for Halloween, Fairyland has released new  MiniFee Ria Witch. They have additionally renewed the 1/4 Active Line Girl body.

Ria may be ordered in natural, beautiful white or tan resin. Customers may choose model or cutie legs for their doll. The doll is sold as a full-package with a face-up, a random color pair of eyes, wig, outfit, shoes, heel feet, resin staff and horns. Options include an additional sleeping head, a face-up for the sleeping head, an eye upgrade to premium eyes, and a free pair of wings in clear smoke resin.

Fairy Land is also holding an Active line Renewal Event for all customers who make qualifying purchases.

From the company:

Event Contents:

Customers are eligible to receive following gifts for orders priced

a. $300 or above: pukiFee Faceplate (NS or BW)

b. $500 or above: MiniFee Head (NS or BW)

c. $800 or above AND for orders NOT containing Ria Full Package: Wings (Clear Smoke only)*
* Free giveaway ‘Wings’ parts will be automatically included in your order if your order contains one or more MNF Ria Full Package. This category is intended for customers whose order content is $800 or above but does not contain MNF Ria Full Package.

– Eligible price shown above EXCLUDES shipping fee. 



ria devil

ria witch2

ria devil sleepy

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